ARTIST SPOTLIGHT #3 Nike Seifert: artist
Apr 07, 2016“For me, painting is a true necessity. I have to paint. I have so many impressions and images inside of me that I try to make visible in my work. My paintings are a window into my imagination. It feels good when I give my imagination plenty of room to move beyond the limited realm of experience.
I allow coincidence and experimentation to pave the way in my art making. Experimenting continually leads me to inspirations for new compositions and layers of color. In a way, the painting often develops a momentum of its own which allows me to relax and concentrate; to let go and to focus.”
Nike’s website is: www.nikeseifert.de
You can purchase a book about Nike and her art:
Nike Seifert CHROMATIC FRAGMENTS, Nicolai Verlag, Berlin ISBN 978-3-89479-962-5.
From her website: http://nikeseifert.de/publikationen/
It’s also available on Amazon at:
Her FB biz page: Atelier Nike Seifert https://www.facebook.com/Atelier-Nike-Seifert-284645431738629/?fref=ts
The photographer is Teresa Rothwangl. www.teresa-rothwangl.com.
She can found on facebook at :
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Paint on!
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